
The beauty of the orchid’s line and color is known to all who bask in the offerings of the florist’s window, but the breathless suspense and expectation that attend the unfolding of the mysterious growth of the orchid plant are known to the grower alone. The appearance of each new growth and root is cause for rejoicing; the slimy mark of a snail or the cottony warning of the presence of scale is cause for distress.

When it comes to how to grow orchids, different methods of growing and the relative merits of hybrids and species are endlessly discussed among fellow growers.

The orchid grower checks her mundane worries at the door of the greenhouse and enters a world that offers surcease even to the heart heavily burdened with sorrow and loss.

However, when the beginner, eager but ignorant, seeks published information how to grow orchids, she may be discouraged by the dearth of information.

Where growers of garden-variety flowers find an almost bewildering wealth of literature, the would-be orchid grower bumps up against what seems to be a wall of secrecy about how to grow orchid.

This wall once was impregnable—each orchid hunter, grower, and hybridizer jealously guarded finds from curious and covetous eyes—but today there is an organized effort to popularize the growing of orchids by dispersing information through amateur groups and bulletins. Contact us today!
